Men of Wrestling | Turkish Oil Wrestling • Türk Yağlı Pehlivan Güreşleri
Men of Wrestling | Turkish Oil Wrestling • Türk Yağlı Pehlivan Güreşleri


Many expressions are heard in connection with ›Yağlı Güreş‹ (oil wrestling). In addition, there are many terms for various lever and fighting techniques. This lexicon should help you to better understand Turkish oil wrestling.

›Yağlı Güreş‹ (singular) means something like ›the oily wrestling‹. The plural ›Yağlı Güreşler‹ stands for ›oily fights‹. Individual wrestlers and fighters are called ›Pehlivan‹. ›Pehlivan‹ is a singular and you will find the meaning below. Accordingly, the word ›Pehlivanlar‹ (Turkish plural) stands for all fighters and wrestlers.


›Pehlivan‹ is originally a persian word that usually means ›courageous‹, but it also has a number of other meanings. Officer, Governor, a physically tall man or person who is telling the truth, are other definitions.

Throughout history, the word has been used with a variety of meanings. The Seljuk Turks used the word to refer to heroic warriors, savvy shooters and wrestlers. In the 16th century, it was used exclusively for athletes, and this practice continued until the end of the reign of Sultan Mahmut II.

The turkish society respects wrestlers for their tradition and culture. Heroism and being a warrior, are other qualities that are attributed to the wrestlers. A ›Pehlivan‹ is perceived as being physically stronger than anyone else and generally considered muscular and healthy. They have a true strong character.

As part of events in the Ottoman period competitions were held in wrestling. Often, these competitions continue to serve and collect money and donations to charity.

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